Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daddy's Visit "Bittersweet"

This is a very large posting, I have many more pics, but could not fit them all. Chris was home for a visit finally for two weeks. He arrived on May 6th and we had fun every day until he left May 20th. It took me a while to put the pics up, its hard, we would just like him back home. But not a day goes by that we are not thankful and very proud of him. Malaki was a little shy at first but then dove right back into the "my dad's my hero". Thanks to everyone for your loving support and good times while he was home. We had a blast.trying to be like daddy
Malaki playing outside with his new puppy (thanks dad)

Trying to golf, which way is the wind blowing

Okay odie i'll hit the ball you go get it

Just let me do it

Driving dad on the lawn mower

Playing in the bubbles with daddy

Our new addition "odie"

I love my birthday present

A pic of the tv in our hotel room(mom and dad went to a hotel for two nights)

The living room

Toddler's B-day party(celebrated mak's early cause everyone was there)

How do these things work
Ahhhh i love having my dad home

Charlie caught nude outside. hahahah

Sisterly love (theres nothing like it)

Its a good feeling when you love your brother -in -law haha

My other son :) I wish my nephew charlie

Papa and mak

I hope no one parked behind papa cause here we come

I love my aunt mel
Gabe and Kyra at mount rushmore

Mak's on mount rushmore haha

My family together again

Dinasour park.

ok dad here i come

I dont know that looks like a lot of stairs

Mak couldn't stop saying wow

Hey mom i'm riding a dinasour
Me dad and uncle tim at bear country

A bear hanging out in a tree

A really cool wolf until he tried to jump in the car

Oh wow look you guys

Riding the four wheeler with daddy

Dad your tooooo heavy

Chris trying to convince mak to sleep in a big boy bed

Hmmmmm wonder what to do today
Love you daddy and miss you lots

OH noooo i got one of them stuck(new water table from papa and grandma picked out just for mak)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

The pictures are awesome Mar!! We miss Chris so much already and wish you and Mak were closer to us. Looks like you have your hands full with the new pup too - who is too cute for words. Love you three!