Saturday, August 1, 2009

Kyra's First Birthday

Kyra's First Birthday. A little late, but better than never to get it on here. hahah We went to the petting zoo and then enjoyed some activities and kyra's first birthday cake at mom and dad's house. It was pretty funny, her dad picked out the cake and thought red would be fun until we discovered that it didnt come off so easily. :)Dad we can not take that thing home

Looking at the animals
Hey guys look at thisChasing the cows, well at least mak was
Grandma can we have one

Enjoying some "papa time"

Kyra!!! you gotta come feel this thing

The cow was trying to kiss mak, dont' think he liked it

K paying attention to goofy mak instead of her gifts

Wow this is better than gifts haha

Like i said red, not a good idea

Describes exactly how daddy treats this little girl

Ohhh thats a cold ice cream cake

Thinking hard about her wish, i think we all know what it would be

Kyra enjoying her daddy singing to her

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